What a day! I worked at the nursing home(Kingston Care Center: http://www.kingstonhealthcare.com) from 8-4pm then went tanning quickly (because I do NOT have any time to sit and relax outside!!!) and then went to babysit for the cutest and funnies kids ever.
(p.s. that picture was taken on fashion day--I dressed up as an 80's aerobic instructor, HOT STUFF!!)
My old folk friends...are just so adorable yet deviant. I was setting up for Bingo today (a Saturday afternoon tradition...that must NEVER be broken, under penalty of death), and the little old ladies are chatting as if they "really really" knew each other. The one lady was talking about her daughter and the other was talking about her son. Well the lady with the son was saying that "everybody" knows the other ladies daughter, because she gets around and blah blah...ummm sooo hilarious!! These ladies are in the upper 80's and 90's. I was almost peeing my pants laughing so hard. I couldn't believe my ears.
Also while playing Bingo one of the players couldn't really hear the numbers that I was calling so she kept saying "what?", "repeat that?", "G 1?" and a different player was getting so mad!!! She started yelling at the one player every single time she said "huh?" Oh my gosh, it was so funny but it also put me in a weird position!! Because how the heck do you tell a 85 year old that she can't get mad that someone her own age can't hear!!! Plain and simple...you gotta love the elderly!! :-)
On a totally different note, (back to the younger generations!!) this family I babysit for has like honestly the most AWESOME house in the world! It's apart of the historical Old West End in Toledo, Ohio and is absoutley humongous!!! (it's for sale too... http://daniellewiley.com/house/...if only we were staying in Ohio!!!) Anyway, Danielle (the mom) is way awesome and offered for me to live on their 3rd floor for the rest of the summer (because I can't sign a lease for 5-6 weeks and Clayton will be gone in who knows where with a job -- hopefully *fingers crossed). I just couldn't believe it!! This family totally rocks and is sooo beyond nice!!! Yeah Wiley's, I love you guys!!! :-)
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