Growing up my family had two toy poodle's that were 5 and 7 pounds, so naturally I was always super scared of big dogs...Until the day that Clayton and I were driving to his apartment and we saw a sign in a yard that read " PUPPIES FOR SALE, AKC". I had no clue what the heck a Weimaraner was, nor how to say it. I called the number listed on the sign and talked with a gentleman named Ernie. He told me that Weimaraners are big dogs, short hair so they don't really shed (which honestly was my selling point because I HATE hair!!!!), and that they have bright blue eyes and are just adorable!
Clayton and I decided to stop by and check out the puppies. We were there for over an hour googly eyeing the puppies. Oh my gosh, I can't even explain how cute they were! Immediately I knew I just NEEDED to have one. But Clayton (being the reasonable, more level headed person in our relationship) said they cost $500 and we don't have that kind of money laying around. Well...Of course, with my sweet talking I convinced Clayton that we would make it work (haha, funny, he paid for all of Harley).
There were two puppies left out of 12, the runt which was a silver girl, and Harley, my big, beautiful blue, knobby legged baby.
We brought Harley home on his 6th week birthday and I am telling you, it has been quite the experience with this kid...But I wouldn't trade him for the world!! http://www.akc.org/breeds/weimaraner/index.cfm
Almost a year later, we decided that we wanted to have another puppy. Clayton did a lot of research on what breeds would mix well with a high energy, "separation fear" (literally diagnosed by the vet) Weim. My only stipulation in the search was "no shedding!" In the end we came across the Boxer breed. They seemed to be so much like the Weims with only physical appearance as their differences. We ended up finding a litter back in Illinois (where we're both from) and I went to go look at them and fell in love with our fawn and white colored baby girl Bella Rose. She was the 2nd to last pick also...It's was a sign :-) http://www.akc.org/breeds/boxer/index.cfm
The two dogs (I hate to say dogs, because really they are my furry children that think they are humans) get along GREAT!! Oh my gosh, they are the best friends. They never fight or get upset at each other and they feed off of each other's craziness (which I totally love and encourage). They are just simply perfect together. Clayton and I couldn't be happier.
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