Friday, July 07, 2006

Wild Life in Georgia

Funny, up North having cockroaches is looked upon as a something really bad, dirty people, dirty living, and just plain YUCK!!! Well, down in the South, apparently cockroaches are apart of every day life. Lord have mercy on me!!!

Clayton called me this evening telling me that Harley had bumps in one concentrated area on his body. They appeared as little red pimples. Clayton said he had talked with the neighbors and told him what they looked like and they said that they might be bites from red ants. Yikes! I did some research for some bug spray for him and this is what I found... Erin's Edge Labradors, it has NEEM instead of DEET. Apparently it keeps the bugs away and heals the skin very rapidly.

As for the cockroaches: Home sprays for bugs/ants/roaches

This whole cockroach situation is FREAKING me out! They are so disgusting! And apparently that is just a common insect down in the flies! We made an agreement with our Realiting company that they spray TODAY and once every 3 months. So a guy from Allgood Pest Solutions came out to our house and sprayed inside the house and outside the house where the walls meet the floor...however, Clayton just found a LIVE cockroach in the curtains of the house!! UGHHH!! So tomorrow Clayton is going to bomb the house with one of those bug bombs, however you have to leave the house for like 24 hours! So now he has to find a place to stay over night! Ahh, this is just becoming so complicated! I myself and sooo thoroughly disgusted that I'm afraid to be moving now!

Here is a funny blog story from a guy who HATES cockroaches just the same as I do Thanks Mr. I Hate cockroaches for the humor!

Plug in bug repellers from Home Depot. They admit an ultrasonic sound that repels the cockroaches.

Victor Poison Free spray killer!!!

Any suggestions from anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.