Yesterday Clayton and I received a call from the breeders who we got Harley from, Ernie and Mary, an older couple. These people were the nicest people ever! They loved the Weim breed so much that when we had bought Harley they had had his blood line for 35 years. They absoutley have a passion for the Weims and only breed right before their female gets to the age of "shouldn't have puppies anymore", just so they will always have one from the same line.
Before we were able to take baby Harley home (we had to wait until he was 6 weeks, which is still a little early to be taking puppies home) we would go over and visit with Ernie, Mary, and the puppies. Ernie had been diagnosed with cancer and one day broke into a steady cry telling us about his dogs. When he was going through chemotherapy and come home the female that he had had at that time (Harley's grandma) would just come sit on his feet and just gave him all of her love (if any of you have a Weim you totally know what I'm talking about...how full of expression they are!!!) These dogs have meant a great deal to them, their children, and their grandchildren who have all received offspring of the bloodline.
For almost all of Harley's 2 years we had lived in Toledo and would frequently go visit with the family. They had kept two puppies from Harley's litter, both girls, Aspen and Anya along with their mother, Sadie. (Sadie had 12 puppies in Harley's litter and had to have a C-Section to deliever all of them). Occassionally his brothers would come and visit as well and we would have a fun day of doggie playing!
Yesterday, we received a phone call from Mary. She told us that Ernie's cancer really has him this time and that they are needing to downsize considerably in house size. Mary said that they won't be able to keep Aspen anymore and were looking for a home for her, and knows how great Clayton's and my love for Harley is and asked if we would take her. Honestly, I feel so blessed that she would even ask us this because it shows that we love our dogs so much and is recgonized by others.
Taking Aspen may cause a few problems:
1. Bella Rose and another female in HER house. When we took in Jed she had a few issues with him but quickly worked them out and became super good buds!
2. Harley and another female in HIS house. Poor boy will only have his daddy to relate to.
On the plus side, Georgia does not have regulations on how many dogs you can own (meaning you don't need a kennel lisence for more than 3 dogs). Since Clayton are looking to buy a house or property to build a house on, we've only been looking at lots that are 5+ acres. The dogs would definetly have enough area to run and be WILD!! outside of the house.
I simply feel so honored that Mary has asked us to take in Aspen. I know that this is such a hard thing for her to do, give up one of her family memebers, especially in such a sad time.
When I go home for a week in October, I'm going to drive out to Toledo and visit with them and see how Aspen takes to me and if I get positive vibes about her fitting in well with our family.
Funny though, Aspen is just as deviant as Harley. Aspen knows how to open the garage door by jumping up and hitting the button, Harley knows how to open the refrigerator and microwave!! We would definetly have our hands full...but in a fun way.
Please give me your suggestions (but bear in mind, anything is possibly if you are willing to make it happen/work).
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