I turned down a delicious ice cream treat at the world's best ice cream place ... MR. FREEZE!!! Instead I decided to induldge myself with a bag of Sugar Snap Peas...YUCK!! Since I haven't run in God knows how long I feel like an 80 year old! So, I've started to eat a little more healthy...fun I know! Plus, apparently the food diagram has been changed (so says my to-be mother-in-law) and you should be eating double the amounts of veggies and fruits that you eat of other foods. So I'm giving it a try! We'll see how long it lasts! (and my time at work doesn't count...because we always have cookies and crap food to eat!! hehe just kidding, I've been doing a good job staying away from those too!) Also, I heard today on one of the morning talk shows, that your body NEEDS water to digest food. If you're not giving yourself enough water, you're body holds onto the water that it DOES have and that's when you start to feel bloated and retain "bad" water weight. So note to self, eat lots of fruits and veggies and drink LOTS of water!!
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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