Ugh! What a day at work! I am getting so sick of being walked all over!! I have spoken up for myself so many times but it gets me no where! I hate to be a little baby and be complaining but every since I have started working at Kingston full-time there have been ridiculous problems (mostly due to pay). I should be thankful that I have a job that does pay (the little that it does) but I can't be when I am told one thing and then it never happens!!! or proper action isn't taken for me (ie: sick days, pay increase, personal days)...yeah basically it all means nothing to my boss once everything is said and done, which is sooo unfair!! I am a full-time employee! Just because I get stuck having to work the crappy hours (nights and weekends) doesn't mean I don't get the same benefits!!! because I'm supposed to!!! Ugh! I swear, 7 more weeks there and I'm DONE!!!
(Just a side note on how GAY Kingston is, my fellow co-worker, Kim, the only person who I can stand there...because she has morals!!! got in huge trouble today by our boss because she had gone up to a nurse and expressed some concern that one of the residents might have a UTI (urinary tract infection). In turn, the bitchy nurse goes to our boss saying that Kim overstepped her boundaries for telling her that....WHAT?!?!!?! ARE YOU EVEN FRICKEN SERIOUS?!?!)
So besides all of the annoyances at work, I got a message today on my cell saying that our new 2007 Dodge Caliber will be shipped from Detroit on Tuesday (meaning it's all built now) and that if we're lucky we may get a same day shipment!) Woo hooo!!
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