This tank top says "Mrs. Bruce" in sequins!
BaChElOrEtTe PaRtY!!!!
What a fun night!! My sister, Becky threw an awesome bachelorette party! We went out to eat at Hullihans and then went on a scavenger hunt for different "lovey dovey...ohh la la" items at different stores. We played several games...and ohh yeah! I know my Claytie!! (I was quizzed!!) All of my friends brought sexy lingerie for me! I am so excited to wear it! I'm thinking that's all I need to take with on our honeymoon...and oh yeah, the 2 sex books! haha
Sleeping on the couch...I swore before we brought Harley home when he was a baby that I would NOT allow him to be on the couch...Opps!! But honestly, look how cute they look!!! Who in their right mind could make them move?!?! (I'm so bad at disciplining...and I've corrupted Clayton!! hehehe)
Sleeping on Mommy's bed...I woke them up. Harley and Bella Rose are the BEST of friends! Just look at them! They have NEVER once in their lives fought with each other or gotten mean. These two are the perfect match. They compliment each other so well. Bella has really (an understatment) helped Harley a TON with his seperation fear diagnosis. I honestly feel so lucky that they love each other as much as they do!!!
Clayton with our babies. Bella has the longest tounge in the world!! I miss all 3 of them soooo badly! I can't wait to get back to Georgia to be with them...yes, a realization that I have come to. I don't care where the heck I live anymore, as long as I can just be with them. They are the loves of my life!
Our Caliber...I don't think I ever posted a picture of it when we bought it. This car is the BEST family car for all 4 of us. The dogs have AMPLE room while Clayton and I can enjoy the luxuries in the front (even though half of the time, the babies come up and sit on our laps. ---for example, on the way to the airport when I was flying back to Illinois, BOTH of the dogs came up and sat on my lap, Harley like a human baby sitting on his butt with his ginormous head resting on mine sleeping, Bella with her body slung over my arm and leg with her head resting on the radio!!! What a scene! I swear these two just can't get enough of their Mommy and Daddy!!!)
-----> the finished product!! He did an amazing job!!!
3. You do your own laundry in your OWN washer and dryer!! I seriously did 10 loads yesterday...ugh!! (because I found TONS more of my clothes in the garage)
Yes that is still the protective coating on them...I don't want to take it off!!
This piggy is by the outside cooking area where a major happening in the movie takes places!
....this one sums up the major happening